FTC: More scammers demand gift cards from stores as payments

動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/Itunes gift card/Itunes gift card?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw

◎ FTC: More scammers demand gift cards from stores as payments  2018-10-18
  - FTC: More scammers demand gift cards from stores as payments  Retail Dive 【 https://www.retaildive.com/news/ftc-more-scammers-demand-gift-cards-from-stores-as-payments/539992/ 】
◎ DA warns of recent gift card payment fraud attempt  2018-09-30
  - DA warns of recent gift card payment fraud attempt  Santa Clarita Valley Signal 【 https://signalscv.com/2018/09/d-a-warns-of-recent-gift-card-payment-fraud-attempt/ 】
◎ Students encouraged to enter 'A Team' drawings  2018-10-19
  - Students encouraged to enter 'A Team' drawings  Norwalk Reflector 【 http://www.norwalkreflector.com/Local/2018/10/18/Students-encouraged-to-enter-A-Team-drawings.html?ci=stream&lp=10&p=1 】
◎ CK police briefs – Monday, October 22, 2018  2018-10-22
  - CK police briefs – Monday, October 22, 2018  BlackburnNews.com 【 https://blackburnnews.com/chatham/chatham-news/2018/10/22/ck-police-briefs-monday-october-22-2018/ 】
◎ Stolen pumpkin, LI boy's last gift from grandfather, has been returned  2018-10-17
  - Stolen pumpkin, LI boy's last gift from grandfather, has been returned  Newsday 【 https://www.newsday.com/long-island/suffolk/reward-missing-pumpkin-lindenhurst-1.22015897 】

